Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some common questions parents have about how to keep their teen-aged children safe from alcohol and drug use. Click each link to watch a video on each topic with adolescent substance abuse expert Dr. John Knight.
How do I keep my kid safe at the after-prom party?
But- I want to be a cool parent
Doesn’t my teen need to drink to be popular?
Should I lock up the alcohol at home?
Should I let my kid hang out at the park?
Is it OK to let my teen have a sip of a drink?
How do I handle my teen going to a sleepover?
I hear kids are bringing alcohol in water bottles…
There are drinking parties going on all over town. My daughter’s a very popular girl. I’m worried if I don’t let her go to these parties she’s going to lose her friends. I’m somewhat frustrated as to what I should do.
Trade some popularity for safety and a solid future.
Set up events that are more fun than drinking parties.