Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some common questions parents have about how to keep their teen-aged children safe from alcohol and drug use. Click each link to watch a video on each topic with adolescent substance abuse expert Dr. John Knight.
How do I keep my kid safe at the after-prom party?
But- I want to be a cool parent
Doesn’t my teen need to drink to be popular?
Should I lock up the alcohol at home?
Should I let my kid hang out at the park?
Is it OK to let my teen have a sip of a drink?
How do I handle my teen going to a sleepover?
I hear kids are bringing alcohol in water bottles…
Here’s something that happens a lot. At family gatherings, Christmas, Thanksgiving – often times my relatives will offer my kids a sip of their drink. Is that OK?
A single drink at a special occasion may be OK.
It is never okay to supply alcohol for teenagers to drink on their own.
Research shows that in the developing brain even small exposure to alcohol can create problems.
The safest approach is to make them wait till they are 21 years old.